Our Team

Arcadia Consultants Asia brings together key players in the transnational school education market to support Western schools seeking to enter the Asia market. Its directors are:

Xiang Luo

Lou received his master’s degree from Fudan University, Shanghai, in the field of Strategic Manage- ment and Finance and moved to Australia in 1990. He established the Australian Institute of Business Intelligence and now has over thirty years’ experience in the Sino-Australian education market. Lou has participated in large school investment programs in China with partners such as the Vanke Corporation, Beijing Capital Land (on the China side) and a range of Australian Schools. He has also promoted a number of joint ventures in China for Australian universities, technical and vocational systems and the NSW and Victorian Departments of Education and Training. Lou established Strathfield College, an international vocational college in Sydney and Melbourne, and developed Australia’s premier Chinese language and HSK testing centre, in Sydney. His extensive background in financial management and strategic planning have instilled a firm organisational mentality with a sound business structure and a staff that is skilled in the delivery of transnational education.


Nicholas Dwyer (Dr)

Following training and experience in the Law and International Finance, Nicholas spent thirty-five years working in school education in Australia, the UK and China. He has developed international programs at several Australian schools and brought Australian high-school education to China, the Philippines and East Timor. At Haileybury Melbourne and with the support of Australian education officials, he developed and successfully marketed a model whereby the Australian Year 12 certificate could be delivered through offshore school partners. This involved the training of Chinese and other foreign teachers in Australia and the establishment of a quality assurance system. With the success of this program, Nicholas established a Sino- Australian joint venture to launch China’s first Australian school in 2013, near Beijing, and was its foundation CEO and Principal. He also chaired the board of Australia’s second Chinese high school that opened in Guangzhou in 2018. Nicholas’ doctorate is in the field of cross-cultural management and transnational education.


Founding Director, the late Rod Fraser, AM

Together with Xiang Luo and Nick Dwyer, the late Rod Fraser was a founder of Arcadia Consultants and set the direction for the firm's work. Before he died in 2021, Rod had over forty years’ experience in school education, as a respected Principal of two well-known day and boarding schools in Australia and as an academic. He chaired both the Round Square International Network of Schools and the International Baccalaureate’s Regional Council for the Asia Pacific. As Principal of Ivanhoe Grammar School, Rod developed a commercial platform for the school’s international activities, making it a provider of transnational education through the delivery of senior high school programs in partnership with a number of Chinese schools.

International Team


Arcadia is based in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, with offices in Beijing and Guangzhou and effective in-country teams based in Asia’s key cities.

Arcadia's international team is well placed to source opportunities and provide advice on projects in South-East Asia.



Jake Bai 白浩男

Director, China

Jake is based in Beijing and has an excellent knowledge of the international school scene in Shanghai, Beijing and Northern China, and is connected widely. Jake formerly managed the China office of the University of Roehampton and studied at the University of Newcastle, in Australia.
